Family · Inspirational

Always Remember

This girl is moving out in six days.


Crazy, huh?

Maybe, just maybe….this is a more current picture.

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But still.

It has been a sweet blessing to have her live at home during her first year post-high school. Truly.

I am glad she will be living close by. And I’m glad she gets to live with a friend and have that experience as well.

It is just a little crazy how time flies.

“If ever there’s a tomorrow when we’re not together, there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” –Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh


Christopher Robin had some great advice to his friend, Winnie the Pooh. I want Jordan to always remember those things he spoke of. There are a few more things, however, that I’d also like this amazing girl to always remember.


Always remember that you are “fearfully & wonderfully made” – God uniquely crafted only one of you. The special talents, gifts, abilities and personality traits you possess are from Him. Use them as a gift to God, yourself & others.

Always remember that you can do more than you think. Don’t give up too early. Push yourself & you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

Always remember that God is good. Life can be hard, but God is good. Seek Him and He will show you His goodness.

Always remember that your smile goes a long way. Your caring spirit and beautiful smile brightens others on a daily basis.

Always remember that serving others is a perspective-changer. Not only does God use you to help others and teach you about yourself, but serving others reminds you of all that you have to be thankful for.

Always remember that you are worth it. You deserve someone who opens doors for you, laughs at your jokes, lifts you up, pays for your dinner, respects your boundaries and loves your God. You are absolutely worth it.

Always remember that there’s a home that is full of people that love you, 100%, unconditionally. Always. We’re here to cry with you over heartache, rejoice with you over victories and listen to you sort things out. We love to act silly with you, pray with you, meet your friends, throw a football around in the front yard, hear what God’s doing in your life, play board games and just hang out. We are proud of you, always.

Always remember.

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